Install Cytoscape

Cytoscape homepage

current version 3.10.2

Install Cytoscape

Download the current version for your computer system: WinPC or macOS. Your browser should recognize your computer type and direct you to the correct download page. For example, Windows 11 (Fig 1).

Screenshot Windows 11 Cytoscape download page

Figure 1. Screenshot Cytoscape download page for Microsoft Windows 11 operating system.

Note that Cytoscape’s install file will also install a Java Development Kit, which is needed for Cytoscape to run. As usual, trust the default instructions and allow the installation to proceed. The last page of instructions will be a page that says Finish.

Close the page and start Cytoscape. If you followed the defaults, then you installed a desktop startup icon (Fig 2).

Figure 2. Cytoscape desktop startup icon.

After starting the app, you will see a splash screen (Fig 3)

Cytoscape splash screen

Figure 3. Cytoscape splash screen

Once the app has launched, you’ll see this starter window (Fig 4).

Screenshot of Cytoscape session work area

Figure 4. Screenshot of Cytoscape’s starter window.


Base Cytoscape can do many things, but the power of the platform is that users write specialized extensions to make the software do more. The recommended plugins we need for Systems Biology are listed on your CANVAS assignment pages. For an example, we use the Social Network plugin to gain familiarity with working with Cytoscape.


Install and run app plugin

To install apps, start Cytoscape, then from menu bar select

Apps > App store > Show App Store

Find the search box and start typing the name of the app, e.g., Social. Enter (return), and your browser should navigate to the web page and the desired app should be visible.

Click the app link to bring up the app’s install page; you may download the plugin install file, or press the install button and allow Cytoscape to add the app.

Once the app has been installed, it’s good practice to restart Cytoscape.

To start using an app, from the menu bar select Apps and select your plugin from the dropdown menu (Fig 5).

Screenshot Cytoscape Apps menu

Figure 5. Screenshot Apps menu

More about Cytoscape

Online user manual at


Kohl, M., Wiese, S., & Warscheid, B. (2011). Cytoscape: software for visualization and analysis of biological networks. Data mining in proteomics: from standards to applications, 291-303.

Shannon, P., Markiel, A., Ozier, O., Baliga, N. S., Wang, J. T., Ramage, D., … & Ideker, T. (2003). Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks. Genome research13(11), 2498-2504.

Su, G., Morris, J. H., Demchak, B., & Bader, G. D. (2014). Biological network exploration with Cytoscape 3. Current protocols in bioinformatics47(1), 8-13.

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